Speeding up your MongoDB queries up to 30 times with Tornado

Sometime ago, I was facing a problem using MongoDB to perform heavy operations like Aggregations over a considerable amount of documents.

Fortunately, most of them were repeating, like when your projects are fetching contents from database to make the same menu structure, it doesn’t change every second.

We already know how is the recipe to solve that: Cache it.

I was using Tornado and it’s common to use Motor to perform async database operations over MongoDB. The idea was to implement a Mixin that can be used in all handlers and support the three most common operations to get data:

  1. Find
  2. Find One
  3. Aggregate

Ok, let’s do it.

Establishing the connection

We won’t need a lot of stuffs here, just the boilerplate.

import logging
import motor

from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
from tornado.options import define, options

define("mongo_host", default="mongodb://localhost:27017", help="mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017")
define("mongo_db", default="database_name")

def create_connection():
        return motor.MotorClient(options.mongo_host)[options.mongo_db]

    except ConnectionFailure:
        logging.error('Could not connect to Mongo DB. Exit')
        return False

Now we’re able to establish the connection and the object will be available through self.application.db in every handler. Other aspects of the code like imports are omitted.

class Application(tornado.web.Application):
    def __init__(self):
        handlers = [
            (r"/?", MainHandler),

        self.db = create_connection()

        tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers)

http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(Application())

main_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

The Mixin Code

With the connection available, it’s our Mixin time.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from hashlib import md5
import datetime

import tornado.web
from tornado import gen
from tornado.options import define, options

from handlers import DBMixin

define("cache", default="True", type=bool, help="Enable/Disable the internal cache")

_cache = {}

class DBMixin(object):
    def db(self): return self.application.db

class CacheHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, DBMixin):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CacheHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.FIND_ONE = 1
        self.FIND = 2
        self.AGGREGATE = 3

    def cache(self, type, col, *args, **kwargs):

        memory = kwargs.pop('memory', True) # Local Memory (Ram)
        timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 60)
        sort = kwargs.pop('sort', None)

        # Union of every input
        signature = str(type)+col+str(args)+str(kwargs)

        # Generate a unique key 
        key = md5(signature.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        def get_key(key):

            if not options.cache:
                raise gen.Return(False)

            if memory:
                if _cache.get(key, False):
                    raise gen.Return(_cache[key])
                    raise gen.Return(False)

                data = yield self.db['_cache'].find_one({'key': key})
                raise gen.Return(data)

        def set_key(key, value):

            delta = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)

            if memory:
                _cache[key] = {
                    'd': value,
                    't': delta

                yield self.db['_cache'].insert({
                    'key': key,
                    'd': value,
                    't': delta

        def del_key(key):
            if memory:
                if _cache.get(key, False): del _cache[key]
                yield self.db['_cache'].remove({'key': key})

        _key = yield get_key(key)

        if _key:

            # If the time in the future is still bigger than now
            if _key['t'] >= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise gen.Return(_key['d'])
            else: # Invalid
                yield del_key(key)

        # otherwise (key not exist)
        if type == self.FIND_ONE:

            data = yield self.db[col].find_one(*args, **kwargs)

        elif type == self.FIND:

            if sort:
                cursor = self.db[col].find(*args, **kwargs).sort(sort)
                cursor = self.db[col].find(*args, **kwargs)

            data = yield cursor.to_list(kwargs.pop('to_list', None))

        elif type == self.AGGREGATE:

            cursor = self.db[col].aggregate(
                kwargs.pop('pipeline', []),
                cursor = kwargs.pop('cursor', {}),

            data = yield cursor.to_list(kwargs.pop('to_list', None))

        if options.cache:
            # Persist the key
            yield set_key(key, data)

        raise gen.Return(data)

How it works?

The code is simple, basically we can use Local Memory or a MongoDB table as cache, and we are able to choose which one of them by setting the argument memory.

Also, your handler should be using our Mixin, as in the example.

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler, CacheHandler):

    def get(self):

        category = yield find_category_by_slug('electronic-gadgets')

        self.render('index.html', {'category': category})

    def find_category_by_slug(self, slug, filters={}):

        defaults = {'slug': slug}

        category = yield self.cache(
            self.FIND_ONE, # Type of query
            'categories',  # Name of the document
            defaults,      # Conditions
            memory=True,   # Store on python memory 
            timeout=3600   # Expire in 1 hour

        raise gen.Return(category)

    def find_categories(self, slug, filters={}):

        categories = yield self.cache(
            self.FIND,              # Type of query
            'categories',           # Name of the document
            filters,                # Conditions
            sort = [('order', 1)],  # Sort Criteria
            memory = False,         # Store on db table
            timeout = 86400,        # Expire in 1 day
            to_list=50              # Return up to 50 items

        raise gen.Return(categories)

    def complex_aggregation(self, category, sort, limit):

        pipeline = [
                {'cats_ids': {'$all': [ ObjectId(category['_id']) ]}}
                {'products': 1, 'min_price': 1, 'max_price': 1, 'n_products': 1, '_id': 1}
            {'$sort': sort },
            {'$skip': self.calculate_page_skip(limit=limit)},
            {'$limit': limit}

        groups = yield self.cache(
            self.AGGREGATE,      # Type of query
            'products_groups',   # Name of the document
            memory=False,        # Store on db table
            pipeline=pipeline    # Operations

        raise gen.Return(groups)

As you can see, there are always an opportunity to enhance the performance.

Download the Gist

How can I know if it worth the price?

It doesn’t count if you don’t see it, right? Ok, lets measure it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time

class Timer(object):
    def __init__(self, verbose=False, desc=""):
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.desc = desc

    def __enter__(self):
        self.start = time.time()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        self.end = time.time()
        self.secs = self.end - self.start
        self.msecs = self.secs * 1000  # millisecs
        if self.verbose:
            if self.desc:
                print('Time elapsed of {0} - '.format(self.desc), end="")
            print('{0:f} ms'.format(self.msecs))

Now we are able to test it.

with Timer(True, desc='getting the category with cache') as t:
    category = yield self.cache(self.FIND_ONE, 'categories', {'slug':'cars'}, memory=True)

with Timer(True, desc='getting the category without cache') as t:
    category = yield self.db.categories.find_one({'slug': 'cars'})

I’m pretty sure that you will see the spent time near to 0ms with the cache.
